How To Be Fit and Happy After 40

If you are reading this there is a 50% chance that you’re overweight.  Big boned. Chubby. Fat.  Call it what you like but you could stand to lose some weight.

There are two reasons why you’re fat, that have nothing to do with genetics.

This ain’t sexy by aroid

1. Food is plentiful and cheap where you live

2. You’re not moving enough


As  to the first, my solution would be to add health care costs as a surcharge to fast food.  Imagine a  $65 Whopper or a $100 Happy Meal.  The epidemic of Type II diabetes would be stopped in its tracks.

As to the second, we all know the importance of exercise and its effect on health.  Regular exercise decreases the risk of diabetes, some cancers and stroke. lowers blood pressure, boosts confidence and improves sleep.

One problem, most exercise programs are freaking boring.

I have books on exercise and free weights at home.  After three weeks of following some regimen, I quit.  Lift a weight, put it down, lift a weight, put it down, after a few reps the thought occurs, “I’m a grown man, don’t I have something better to do with my time?”

Aerobics, a.k.a, jumping up and down in one place, just looks silly.

              The fate of workout equipment by CrazyJoeDavola

What’s a health conscious man to do?  Here is my solution:

A) Buy comfortable dress shoes – A pair that looks good under a suit but has a rubber soles.  Use them often.  Instead of calling around the office, walk.  Accounts is on the third floor and you’re on the 4th floor?  Walk there.  Need to tongue lash the underlings in Marketing?  Walk there.  The benefits are two-fold:

You exercise

You get to know everyone and everything.  In business as in life, “knowing is half the battle.”

If you’re a midlife male in management no one below you will ask why you stay on the move, and the people above you can understand your explanation.


Second, Live Your Bucket List.


How fit do you need to be to live your dreams?


Due to the vagaries of my existence, I know I need to be fit enough to use my chainsaw for several hours without accident.  I need to be fit enough to stand in front of a lathe for 90 minutes, 4 days a week.  I need to be fit enough to skydive, swim with sharks (a future post) and do my job.

What about you?  How fit do you need to be?

Are you fit enough to play hoops with a teenage son, chase a three your old making a break for the street, make love, surf, climb a mountain?

Set a definite goal and use a minimalist approach to get fit enough.  Life is to short to spend it in a gym.


These two exercises burn fat, build muscle and correct muscular imbalances.  They are also boring as hell.  The good thing is they can become a form of moving meditation.  Learn to do the moves properly, increase the weight and reduce the time spent working out and spend more of it living.


Kettlebell Swing

Turkish Get Up

See also:


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