A Short List of Productivity Tools & Techniques for 2014

A Short List of Productivity Tools & Techniques for 2014

First the Bad News:

If you made New Year’s Resolutions chances are, you’re already struggling.  Statistically speaking, while 62% of people make resolutions at least some of the time just 8% will fulfill them.  Only 26% of people will still be working on their resolutions come June.  Exactly why, you’re having problems is explained HERE.  The worse part is that the majority of resolutions are about Self-Improvement or Education.  When you fail at these you tend to feel even more bummed out and disappointed with yourself.

The Good News:

Here is a list of resources that have helped me with my self-improvement goals.  Having tested and implemented them I can recommend these to you.  Yes, I could have added more things,but it’s not important how many options you have but if you use ANY.

Here they are by Category:


Considering how much time and money is spent on learning, there should be more information on HOW to learn and what methods are best.  Scientific American Mind did just that in their September/October 2013 issue.  You can find the magazine and read the article or just read my crib notes by clicking on the links below.

Speed Learning

Techniques for Studying


How little time it takes for anyone to get pretty good at almost anything is astonishingly short according to Josh Kaufman.  He is the author of the book “The First 20 Hours” and while the book is okay, the most important information in it was condensed for this blog post.

How to Acquire Any New Skill in 20 Hours or Less


Productivity & Time Management

Ever wondered how to get more done or why doesn’t more get done?  When it comes to time management, I often ask, “How is it that the day lasts so long but still goes by so quickly?”

Watch these three videos on how to get more done each day. Total running time is 10 minutes.



The Accountability Chart at 1:55 on the last video has been pure gold for me.  If you decide to use it I’d suggest using a paper datebook/diary of some sort.

Other Stuff

Now that you’ve learnt how to better manage your time (we both know you’re going to waste some of it anyway) here are some posts and an infographic to keep you focused for the long haul.

You need a ritual to get things done.  No matter how weird the ritual might be if it works, it works.   This series of posts on Slate.com is better than the book of the same name.  Read, Laugh and Learn from the masters of their crafts.

Daily Rituals

A blog dedicated to Productivity, Creativity, Habits and Happiness based on the latest scientific research but still easy to read


Need a gun to your head to get you motivated and keep you on course?


WHO is most likely to succeed, and WHY?

Check out this infographic.

That’s it! Tips, Tools and Techniques to make 2014 a year in which resolutions are kept and your friends are made envious.  If you have any further tips that should have made this list, please add them to the comments section.






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